The Madman's Asylum

Life is an adventure. How good can you get?

Updated daily, or at least, I'll try to update it daily.
This ass-kicking, hard-talking journal is created on Friday, July 6, 2001 at 1:00am, because I owe Phoenix some photos, and I'm keeping my words. Hopefully you will return often to see what new things I have included . . .  I am not looking for approval or disapproval, just a place where I can put all of these precious memories that have been locked inside me for the past three years . . . By the way, this page is dedicated to Stefanie Kulhanek. I love you, Stef. Always have, and always will.


July 30, 10:35pm "OH HELL YEAH!!! Somebody should send this Harris bitch straight to hell!!!" The Madman says, he's going to take a pencil, shine it real good, turn that son of a bitch sideways, and stick it straight up Mike Harris's roody-poo candy ass!


What's new in the Asylum?

July 11, 5:40am.: I've scanned my Jarvis C.I. 2000 yearbook signing and posted them here. "Feel my outer laughter, and inner pain!"

July 10, 1:24am: Note to Ricky Y. and Jonathan Manuyag: I'm going to make it in the anime world. I'm going to bring anime and manga to the main stream society. I'm going to be the best damn manga creator and the best damn creative director there ever will be. And I'm going to do it without you, you sorry sons of  bitches. You make me puke!!! I'm going to do it all by myself, even if it takes me a thousand years. You see anime and manga as a form of entertainment, but I see a lot more than just that. Not only do I see them as entertainment, but more important, I also see them as serious literature and high art, and I see video games not only as video games, but also interactive comics, with sophisticated storylines based on not plot developments, but based on in-depth, detailed character developments. Look at me, look at me, you sons of  bitches. Look at me straight in the eyes, you jackasses. YOU SUCK!!! "If you don't want to be the WWF champion, you got no business being here." This also applies to anime and manga. If you don't want to be the best there is in this business, as far as I'm concerned, you've got no business in the world of animes. You're nothing more than some anime newbies. You piece of trash. All those who have succeeded, they have succeeded because they took things to the extreme. "GO BIG OR GO HOME!!!" You don't have any ambitions at all. You don't have any dreams, any dedication, any moral principles. If that's the way you want, fine, suit yourself and die like some bunch fools that you are. You say this and you say that, Madman 3:16 says: "I'm gonna do it all by myself."

July 09, 8:51pm: "In the real world, when you kill people, they die!"

July 09, 5:43am: A new Psychotic Links and Rants section added [see below], because I do a lot of late-night surfing and I want to post some of the good sites I came across in this section. And while you're at it, click
here for some inspirations.

July 08, 8:01pm: The Madman's Asylum has a mascot: "Miss Madness". And Stef is now Psycho Vampiro's manager. Why Stef Why?

July 08, 10:40am: I can't sleep last night, so I built another simple page, to get some feelings off my chest, so to speak. I just had a huge argument with Phoenix last night, so I guess she probably won't return to this page for the next couple of months or so. I don't really know who's going to visit this little page in the abyss of the cyberspace, but I guess it doesn't really matter anymore, because I've said what I want to say to the entire world, it's now time for the world to discover me, to discover Silva, and to discover this Madman character. Bye-bye for now. I'm going to do something else. Just remember that sweet dreams and memories are forever!!! If you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, tell him or her RIGHT NOW how much you love and care about him or her.

July 07, 9:49pm:
An open letter to Shivaa uploaded. Also eight more photos added to the photo section, including a cool camera trick!

July 06, 6:35pm:
FF9 Zidane-Kuja dialogue uploaded, checked it out!


The Madman's Wisdom:
I'm in love with her. I want her with me. Please come home. You would probably say that I was a little strange in the head to dedicate an entire web site [my mega-site] to a girl who is never going to visit it. And in my head, I knew that since she's not going to visit that page, it was senseless to keep this up. but my heart believed otherwise, and I continued with the web page design, pouring out my feelings fully now, writing down how much I missed her, dreams I'd had about her, what I imagined we would do if she showed up at my door right now. The bottom line is, I'm willing to stand up for what I feel is right, despite what others may feel. 


Insane photos for Saturday, July 07, 2001 [I just had to find out who this girl is, so help me]
A mysterious girl from Jarvis C.I.
[This photo is from that walkout organized by Jarvis students on Friday, Sept. 29, 2000. I need to find out who she is, her contact info, etc. If you have any info please email me, thanks!]
Here is another pic of this mysterious girl
[Photo from walkout 2000]
I think she's looking at me
[Photo from walkout 2000]
A side view of the mystery girl
[Come on, all those with 2001 yearbook, help me look it up, because I don't have the yearbook]
Budd "the Animetor"
[What's up, Bud? Photo from Fall Fest 2000]
Alex Sun with a bottle of coke and a hot dog, yummy, also with him are Jack Dong, and another Chinese guy, whom I cannot identify 
[Photo from Fall Fest 2000]
Here is Budd again with a finger, Hey, don't blame me for the strike, blame Harris
[Photo from walkout 2000]
This is a simple camera trick to get people to smile when you are taking pictures
[Just print it out, glue it on a piece of cardboard and tape it to the side of the camera. Simple, huh? Works on all cameras. It's a neat trick I learned from watching Fashion Files]
Photos from Friday, July 06, 2001


Psychotic Links and Rants: 
July 09, 5:40am: - the official Torrie Wilson page, WCW superstar 
                    - the official Ultimate Warrior page, WWF superstar

If you want to dramatically improve your English, you should watch wrestling shows like WWF RAW is WAR, or WWF Smackdown. Wrestling is not completely fake, superstars get hurt all the time, but winners are predetermined, because this is, as Vince McMahon puts it, "sports entertainment."


Internet Invasion:
The Madman's Jarvis Virtual Yearbook is coming soon near you, all The Madman fans. If you want to see some 1980's photos of Ms. Akmans, Mr. Loberto, Mr. Schreiber,  Ms. Porter, Mr. Mutton and Mr. Rowntree and Mr. Dunfield, give me a hell yeah!!! [Email me and let me know what you think, people!] "Don't just surf the web, make waves!!!"


Upcoming events in The Madman's life:
Well, I'm leaving July 12 for Edmonton for an anime convention, and I promise all my fans on the net and those all over the world that I'll bring back lots of con photos and cosplay photos. By the way, the anime north 2001 photos are still sitting on my computer, and I'm still, yes, still working on them. Hey, good things are worth waiting for, so be patient, cuz I said so.

August: hmm, I'm stilling thinking about Defcon 9 [the hacker convention], besides that, I have two other anime cons and a Warhammer con to go to. That means a lot of time on the road. Someday, I'll be a WWF wrestler, like Spike Dudley, he's only about 150 lbs., ya know.


Angry Disclaimer:
I own each and every one of the pictures posted on this web site, anybody can download the photos posted here, for their own use, except Jarvis' yearbook staff. Because you guys promised but never actually contacted me. If I ever find out that the Jarvis' yearbook staff used any one of these photos, I will sue their asses off. "Look into my eyes, and see my alien race." And Phoenix, do put a disclaimer on your web page, cuz it makes your page look so much more professional, and think of a flashy name for your web page as well, "Phoenix World" is too lame.


The Madman's Intergalactic hit list:
I'd like to thank the following people because they provided me with emotional support during my rough times, they are all my English teachers at Jarvis, all my Art teachers at Jarvis, Karen "Bluebird" Lin, Brian Li, Kevin Lee, Kaheng "Yucky" Ta, Ravishing Ricky, Budd "the Animetor", my mom, and of course, Phoenix, who kept talking to me even when I yelled at her through icq. I love you guys [Phoenix is a girl, actually].
Then again, the following people are NOT welcome here: Sarangan, Jason "Hydra67" Bagari, Steven Chan, Carmen Chan,  Olivier Heimrath, Hongkyu Kim, Raymond Leung, David Luu, David Nguyen, Allen "Adult Video" Van, of course, Cathy Chan, and any other Jarvis teachers that you think are lame.


Contact me:
Real Name: Fil Silva
Age: 21
Tel.: 416-368-4410
Address: 34 Henry Lane Terr. Toronto, ON M5T 1X2
Mug Shot: Click here for my mug shot

Comment? Send me an email. 

Soundtrack Playing: The Girl I Never Knew

This site is dedicated to Stefanie Kulhanek. You will always have my love, Stef.
Copyright © 2001 Madman Inc. All Rights Reserved.